Thursday, September 13, 2012

Test Retakes

Course 3 tests have been handed back.  In my classroom, students are welcome and encouraged to retake tests.  However, as a part of my learning philosophy, students cannot just retake a test on a concept that they did not understand.  Instead, the students must write an action plan for learning the material better.  Students are given a Test Correction Plan sheet.  This sheet requires them to complete 4 learning activities, one of which is a learning session with me during study hall.  This is the requirement after they have already completed 3 of the learning activities.  The learning activities are staples to their test.  They can choose any of the activities that they wish.  Once they have completed a learning activity, a parent or teacher must sign-off on the Test Correction Plan sheet stating that they observed the student completing the activity.  Once all 3 have been signed off on, the student must meet with me.  We will revisit the material, discuss mistakes they have made and I will help the student to better understand what he/she missed.  After meeting with me, the student will then make test corrections.  The requirements for this are also attached to the test, but include:
  • You must use a separate piece of paper
  • You must write the problem down, show ALL work, and have a correct answer
  • You need to write a sentence explaining what you did wrong for each incorrect problem
    • ex.) I added the two numbers instead of multiplying them. 

Once all of this is complete (3 learning activities, meeting with Mrs. Kenney, test corrections), the student may then retake a different test.

This method is used to ensure that learning and comprehension of the concepts are being achieved.  If you have any questions regarding this, please let me know.  I have attached all retake sheets in case a duplicate is needed.

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