Tuesday, September 25, 2012


This is just a quick reminder about homework, weekly worksheets, quizzes and tests.


Homework is practice and you are going to make mistakes.  It is through grading your own paper and through correcting your mistakes that you learn.  Therefore, homework is a completion grade.  I do not penalize you for mistakes that you make while learning.  Learning is a process that takes time and practice.  We learn from this practice.  I allow you time for questions and corrections after we check you homework for this reason.  Homework does not have to be redone unless it states so on your paper.  You are redoing the problems as we check them!


Weekly worksheets are given to you on Tuesday and due the following Monday.  They are lengthy and will take some time to complete.  The sheets represent the math that you already know and just need to practice in order to make permanent. Any work that you complete while working on your weekly worksheet should be stapled to it and handed in. 

Projects will vary and depend on the concept we are covering.  These help me to get a better picture of what you understand and how to apply it to the real world.  Do you best on projects and always think "outside of the box".


Quizzes are meant for me to get a general understand of what you understand at any point and time.  They are worth 10-30 points and cover a small amount of information.  For example, if we are doing a unit on solving equations, we make take up to 5-15 quizzes.  One may cover combining like terms, while another may cover 2-step equations.  They help me to create meaningful lessons that cover what you don't know and what you may need to revisit that we have already discussed. 

Tests are much larger.  They are usually 100 points.  Leading up to a test, you will take many quizzes, complete homework and possibly a project on the concepts that are on the test.  Remember, they are like the Super Bowl of learning!  It is a chance to prove that you have learned a great deal and can actually apply it.  If you have done a great job on homework and quizzes, or done what it takes to make sure you understand concepts that may not be concrete to you, you will do great!

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