Monday, October 22, 2012



Today (Monday), all students were given the review guide for the quarterly exam that will take place on Thursday, October 25th.  The review guide is composed of everything that will be on the exam.  We also talked about various ways to prepare for the exam.  These were written at the bottom of the review guide page.

In order to allow students sufficient time to prepare for the exam, there will be no homework for the next three days.  Students will be responsible for writing down what days they studied each section, along with the amount of time that they studied.  This will be turned in with the test, but it will not be a grade.  It is my way of seeing how much time students spend studying or if they do not study for the exam. 

Please visit the link below to go to the online textbook for the practice problems and videos.

If there are any questions, please let me know.  Thank you!

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